Harish Shaw is a name that has been making waves in the Hindi film industry. Born on July 14, 1999, in Kolkata, Harish grew up in a family deeply rooted...
Sharo Philip, a pioneering entrepreneur from Kerala, has revolutionized the hospitality industry with her groundbreaking venture, Gaia Hostels, in Anjuna, Goa. As a lawyer turned eco-warrior, Sharo's passion for sustainable...
Successful Distribution of Education Kits to Raigad Zilla Parishad Schools by Zero Foundation in Association with Parth Pawar Foundation powered with Kharghar Medicity Hospital Today, we are pleased to announce...
Introduction:Raw Ninja, a prominent rapper from Kolkata, is renowned for his multilingual approach to rap music. Known for blending Hindi, Bengali, and English in his lyrics, Raw Ninja brings a...
Mitzvah Engg India Pvt Ltd is embarking on an ambitious journey of global expansion, aiming to bring its advanced product line of air curtains, insect trappers, and strip curtains to...
Kaya Kapoor has made a significant impact in fashion, known for her innovative designs and business acumen. Now, she's set to conquer the glamour industry with her acting and dancing...
Dashrath Silver Art’s journey from its humble beginnings in Gujarat to becoming a globally recognized name in silver jewellery is a remarkable story of vision, craftsmanship, and international acclaim. Established...
Big Boyz Lounge has quickly become the go-to destination in Noida for hosting exceptional events, thanks to its unique blend of style, sophistication, and culinary excellence. Whether celebrating a milestone...
POWERS TEXT SERVICES, spearheaded by Shaikh Ahmad Raja ZiaurRehman, is redefining the future of text-based communication through its pioneering technologies and forward-thinking approach. As a leader in the field, the...
Zebra Exchange, a leading player in India's money exchange market, has introduced a groundbreaking mobile app designed to revolutionize how customers send and receive money both domestically and internationally. The...